“As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.”
This is the purpose statement that we begin with at each meeting. We try to live by this
statement and show it in our actions and in the projects that we try to complete for our church and community. Every woman at Sardis is a member of the Sardis Women of the ELCA.
We certainly appreciate the assistance ALL ladies in our congregation give for the projects that are planned. We are back in full swing from the pandemic and hope that we can continue to find ways to serve our church and community. Following is a list of projects completed in 2023:
Again, we appreciate the support we get from all members of our Congregation. We couldn’t accomplish our projects without you. Together we can fulfill our purpose. Come join us at a meeting. The first Sunday of the month at 5 pm is our usual meeting time. We would love to have you!
Respectfully submitted,
Nena Babb, President
We’ve created a special video that shows your congregation’s faith in action as our warehouse team prepares a shipment of LWR Mission Quilts, Personal Care Kits and Baby Kits to be delivered to Turkey. Please help us thank your congregation by sharing this video in worship and on your church’s social media pages.
Please extend our deep gratitude to your quilters and kit-makers. Because of their commitment to making quilts and kits year-round, Lutheran World Relief is sending these valuable resources and bringing hope to our neighbors who have lost everything.
At this time, financial gifts are the number one need to assist our neighbors who are injured, hungry and displaced from multiple earthquakes. Your congregation’s generosity will ensure that we are able to respond immediately, deliver quilts and kits to hard-to-reach places as quickly as possible, and expand our response into the future. You can give now at lwr.org/quake or by mailing a check to the address below.
Please use our suite of resources to help you guide your congregation:
· NEW! Video and photos of quilts and kits being prepared to ship to Turkey
· Bulletin insert
· Worship announcement slide
· Social media graphics
Your quick and faithful response is reaching earthquake survivors and ensuring that Lutherans are at the front lines to share God’s love with our neighbors when they need it most. Thank you.
Sardis Lutheran Church
Sardis Lutheran Church 6103 NC Hwy 10 W Hickory, NC 28602 US