Sardis Lutheran Men in Mission Report-2023
North Carolina Lutheran Men in Mission celebrated their 100 year anniversary through the year 2023. A gathering at Grace Lutheran Church in Salisbury in March was the highlight of this 100 year accomplishment. There were many speakers and a lot of information was shared. One key subject was the Home Mission Foundation Loan and Gift Fund. These funds are used for scholarships, grace fund, and loan and gift fund. The purpose of these funds is paying off seminary debts for the seminarians and scholarships for candidates that are seeking education in different areas in ministry and to provide two percent loans for churches that are expanding or building church facilities. It was a day filled with how men in mission can spread the gospel and get men involved in building their relationship with Christ. Our mission is to support men in their spiritual growth and in their social and intellectual development as they strive to deepen their commitment to Christ and their families and provide strength and support as they grow in the life of the church and its evangelical mission. So the question is how can we get more participation of men in our congregation in men’s ministry. We meet at 6:30 on the last Sunday of each month. Come and be a part of our group.
The men helped with the pancake meal on Shrove Tuesday. We also sponsored two blood drives. We provided dinner for the dinner and movie night and helped fund the Daughters of Christ banquet. The men lead the service on Men’s Sunday in November and we helped assemble the treat bags for the Christmas program. We would like to thank Alfred Whitener for his donation towards the treat bags and Nelson Speagle for providing the apples. We purchased an adjustable basketball goal for our youth which is at the back of the church. We contributed to the Home Mission Foundation of the North Carolina Men in Mission. We are chartered through the North Carolina Men in Mission. Thanks to all the men for all you do throughout the year-serving Christ through Sardis Lutheran Evangelical Church. Thanks to the congregation for all your support.
Respectfully Submitted,
Rick Johnson
Al King honorary life membership to the Lutheran Men in Mission
Sardis Lutheran Church
Sardis Lutheran Church 6103 NC Hwy 10 W Hickory, NC 28602 US